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Sexual Myths

The sexual myths are myriad, and next only to religious myths. The most rampant sexual myths are dhat (semen in urine), night emission or bedwetting, masturbation, semen loss, celibacy (brahmcharya) penile & breast size, flaccid penis, bent penis, lax vagina, virginity, periods, 1st night, sex frequency, conception, bearing male child, contraception, sex during periods & pregnancy, sex in aged etc.

Sex is largely in the mind. The anxiety caused by a negative myth harbored in mind by an individual results in inhibition in release of the sex hormones even if they are in abundance. Lack or reduced bio-availability of these hormones so very essential for performance, plays havoc with the sexual performance. This poor performance between the sheets leads to more anxiety, which again reduces the level of these hormones, leading to further performance. So a vicious cycle sets in where anxiety (caused by myths) results in poor performance which results into more anxiety & thereby another poor performance. The commonest sexual problems arising out of this kind of anxiety are ED (Erection Disorder) also called Impotence and/or Premature Ejaculation.

Since myths have everything to do with state of mind & mind is very amenable to counselling, it is a good idea to go for sexual counselling. Knowing the right perspective of sex (read Importance of sex and Chemistry of sex) helps demythyfying all sexual myths.


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